Friday, August 24, 2007

Driver’s Ed (circa 1925)

Stephanie and I were heading home after a fun afternoon of Corporate Challenge goodness. We did the Great Walk, showed support for the Special Olympians, and left feeling good about life in general. On our way home, we ran in to some unexpected traffic.

When faced with 2 exit ramps merging to lane, there is a certain expectation. 1 car for 1 car. You go, I go, etc.

So we were merging, listening to music, waiting for the cars in front of us to follow the "merging rules." It came our time. The car in front of us went, so we started to merge behind them.

But then we heard honking. Surely this is a mistake. Doesn't everyone know the rules? Your lane, my lane, your lane, my turn. I looked in my side view mirror to see a grandma and grandpa flipping us off with a shaky boney finger while honking.

Clearly there wasn't Driver's Ed in 1925 - So to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, I decide it is best to signal to him what merging looks like using hand gestures while mouthing "MERGING." Apparently this didn't help cause he flipped me off again.

Normally it probably would piss me off to have someone flip me off in traffic. But it was just too funny!!! Grandparents are supposed to bake you cookies, slip you money, and spoil you - not flip you off and try to run you off the road.

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