Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Go crazy? Dont mind if I do!

After tonight, I've accepted that I've gone absolutely, positively bonkers.

I've been either out of town or busy every weekend since April/May. Anyone who knows me well, knows that MB needs time by herself for quiet downtime and sleep otherwise evil MB comes out to play (and it ain't pretty) I don't get much sleep during the week, and I haven't had my weekends to catch up on sleep/downtime. So you'd think that I wouldn't volunteer to shave off any more weekday/weeknight free time.

(this is where the retardedness comes in)

I volunteered to help with inventory at our local stores. Inventory is painful, time consuming, and leaves you with a nervous tick from all the scanner gun beeping.

So bright and friggin early this morning I arrived and my buddy Robb's store. We counted inventory until about 12:30.

I took a 15 min lunch (some shopping then the drive thru) and headed back to the office to do 8-10 hours of my real job in only 4 hours. Everything that could go wrong with my work, went wrong and is completely out of my control. (but it doesn't stop the 487 questions from the groups I support...why isn't this working? what happened to ____, did you know that this isn't working?)

I left the office and fought rush hour traffic to meet my girls for dinner and catch up.

I left dinner and rushed to another store for their inventory. I just got home. It's 2:00am.

(You see where I'm retarded?)

I bet my boss still expects me in at 8ish tomorrow. Psshttt. No friggin way.

Oh who am I kidding. I'll suck down 2 pots of coffee and I'll make it to work by 9 at the latest.

This weekend – MB is hanging out with her girls and laying low. Lots of sleep, lots of downtime.

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