Monday, January 1, 2007

A New Year...

Ok, so I hate when people ask me what my new year's resolutions will be. We all make them; we all break 99.99% of them. I just cut out the middle man and just don't make resolutions at all.

But this year, I have set some goals. Nothing cliché like lose 10 lbs (though I do have a personal trainer I like to call Satan), but some real goals to follow up on my previous blog about moving back to Dallas.

2007 Goals:

1. Make lifestyle changes, including but not limited to:

-active lifestyle

-move church membership to a church in town

2. Pay off big portion of debt

3. Start savings for a house

How am I going to meet these goals?

Well, I've joined a new fancy gym that is friggin fabulous, and I have a personal trainer that I pay to tell me I'm out of shape. YAY! This gym has 400 machines, rock climbing, basketball/volleyball courts, indoor/outdoor pools, saunas, yoga, Pilates, etc. I love it!

I'm in search of a new church, but it's a little difficult to decide since I still don't know where I'm going to move. But it will all come together.

Living with my folks has helped me put money toward debts I've accumulated in college, after college, and moving all over the US. My goal is to pay off all debts except the college loans. Who am I kidding? I'll be paying those off until I'm 70.

Once I get my debts paid off, I can put the money I used to set aside for that toward savings. I don't want to rent forever! Owning is a long term goal that won't happen this year or even the next, but I can start preparing now.

So here's to a great new year!

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