Tuesday, January 9, 2007


So everyone always says that "Karma is a b---." "Live by the Golden Rule." blah blah.

I've tried to live a good life, I try to be good, try to be nice to others.

But if this Karma thing is true I've really pissed off someone. You may ask, "Why Mary Beth? What's wrong?"

1 word. Cory.

I joined a gym a few weeks after I moved back to Dallas. 2 weeks ago I decided that I needed a personal trainer to show me how to work out to accheive my goals.

Cory is my personal trainer. Oh sure, you meet him and he seems innocent and nice. So nice that I really thought we'd be friends if we met under different circumstances. Well don't be fooled my friends. He's pure evil.

I meet with him 2 times per week at 5am to use weights and cardio on my own 3 times per week. In the 3 times I've seen him so far, I've never known such pain.

session 1: Legs.

My coworkers and family can attest to the fact that I could hardly walk. I rolled down the stairs to avoid actually walking.

session 2: Arms

Not so bad. My triceps were not real excited about the whole thing, but overall not so bad.

session 3: Legs....again.

This session was this morning. I'm already in pain.

So as I sit here and wonder if being sore is a valid excuse for missing work, I warn you--do not get a personal trainer if you

-live on the second floor

-like to walk at all

-need to dress yourself without help from your mom

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