Sunday, January 21, 2007

Top 10 things that make me crazy

I haven't ranted in a while. Everyone should now and then. So here's....

Top 10 things that make me crazy....this week.

1. The commercial with the female jogger and the guy following her in the car. $40 in gas per jog following your girlfriend is a better idea than a $40 IPod shuffle? I think walk mans are like 25 cents on EBay…

2. Tabloids in general. Therefore, the TV show Dirt makes me want to kick puppies. I've not forced myself to watch it, but the sheer number of ads for the show makes me want to poke my eyes out….slowly.

3. News stories that focus more on Brittany Spears going commando than…well….anything. Surely ANYTHING is more important. Honestly I'd rather hear about Madonna stealing another baby.

4. Rosie O'Donnell. I liked her during her cutie-pa-tutie stage, but now that she's become the unwelcome spokesperson for overweight people, gay people, single mothers, people with bad hair stylists…she makes me despise The View even more.

5. Friends that suck at keeping in touch….but seem to forget that they suck? They are the first ones to point out that you haven't called them back…after they finally return your 4th message. You lose all rights to call people out when you suck at the same thing.

6. Stupid people who breed. Nuf said.

7. Straight men who take longer to get ready than I do. And I have A LOT of hair to wash, dry, then straighten. Seriously.

8. Time Warner Cable. High speed cable? Psshhttt. Whatev.

9. Overused clichés rather than actual conversation. I don't play favorites with these and I don't put off tomorrow what I can do today. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and I'll throw that weakest link out like a baby in bathwater. There's plenty of fish in the sea so why not take the time to use actual conversation.

10. An hour show and 30 minutes of commercials. I've discovered that the only way to watch Grey's Anatomy and really any show out there, is by using Tivo or DVR. Rather than 2 min of show and 5 min of commercials, you can fast forward through all of the uncomfortable Tampax and Nuvaring commercials and watch your show. Good family fun.

Lucky for us all, there are lots of things that make me smile. I'll post an updated list this week. Hold your breath.

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