Monday, March 17, 2008

You think you’ve got jokes?

There seems to be some confusion in the world about what constitutes sarcasm, what’s mean, and what’s just a really bad joke. I keep hearing conversations and feel like it is my obligation to educate bad jokers.

Example 1: "Have fun at Target. No pun intended."
Reality: Nowhere in that statement is there a pun or even what might be mistaken as a pun. Maybe it was the word of the day and you don’t know how to use "pun" in a sentence. Bottom line - not funny, buy a dictionary.

Example 2: Asking someone after your first date for a discount at his/her job – even as a joke.
Reality: Not funny. Makes you appear cheap…and implies quid pro quo. Unless he/she actually provides a service for money/dinner, not a good thing to ask.

Example 3: Telling your girlfriend how many hot nurses were at your morning conference.
Reality: Plan to sleep at your place, or maybe one of those hot nurses will take pity on you and let you sleep there. Brag about this with your buddies, not someone you’re dating.

Example 4: While mingling at a party, someone you meet mentions she just started a new job. You ask, "Was your last job a stripper?"
Reality: This might be funny in your head or if you know the girl, but it is not what you call "sarcastic." It’s a bad joke that will leave you with a kick to the pants or a drink in your face.

I don’t claim to be the funniest gal out there, but I hope this provides a comedy compass for everyone out there. Good luck!

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