Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 Goals (not resolutions!)

2009 is already of to a great start with lots of changes in MB’s life (all good things), lots of changes for the Knight family (all good-ish things), and that means it’s time for 2009 Goals (not resolutions!). As you know, I don't do resolutions. They don't work and they're typically shallow and short lived. (lose 10lbs, work out, etc.)

Here were my 2008 Goals (not resolutions!):

1. Love my job. Make a change to make it great or find the silver lining.

2. Set aside time to take a continuing education course. Either a language course, an art or cooking class, or something else that I enjoy learning about.

3. Set a good example for my nephew. I have so much to teach him! He may still be in the giggle and drooling stage, but he's going to learn a lot this year.

Let’s recap 2008's goal accomplishments:
1.I found a new job. It turned out to be one of the best moves I’ve made for a number of reasons.
2.I set aside time to take a class: Blueprinting Your Novel. I went to a few classes, but then family crisis kicked in (dad’s quadruple bypass) so I’m checking it off the list only because of the effort to actually sign up and attend 4 out of 9 classes.
3.I made several changes to my life because of my nephew. If he ever asks me about 2008, I feel like I can tell him without a guilty conscience. I didn’t make all the right decisions, I certainly wasn’t perfect, but I made changes to be a better example. I think he’ll be proud….once he stops drooling and learns to talk….whatever.

So for 2009, I’m going to cheat a little. I really liked my goals for the past 2 years, so I’m going to borrow from them and continue.

(drum roll please)

And now for the 2009 Goals (not resolutions!):
1.Continue to be a good role model for Lawson. This guy more than ever needs a support system in his family. I want him to grow up knowing he is loved, that he’s never alone, and that his crazy Aunt Mary Beth is going to be there to hug him when he messes up and whack him over the head when he’s a punk.
2.Let my guard down. No one will ever accuse me of not having a fun life, but I need to let my guard down more and let people in. No more “dead inside MB.” Ugh, just thinking about it makes me nauseous…. :)
3.Have a fiscally responsible year. That’s right shoe industry – this gal is on a budget. Save where it makes sense but splurge when I can. If I make a penny stretch, I can finally take that trip to Italy….maybe for my 30th birthday in October.

So there you have it. It’s going to be another great year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oooh trip to italy that sounds awesome and number two is my favorite