Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October Update

Goodness, the last month-ish has flown by. Last post I promised a picture of the finished quite. I only have a picture that I snuck of him wrapped in the quilt, but I still don't have one of just the finished product. He loved it! I'm still just amazed that it got finished. Thanks again mom!!

I started my new job on Aug. 31 with Valero Energy. Since day one I've been running at full speed. I say that as a good thing because it's definitely job security! It's very similar to what I did at Fossil, but VERY different from what I've done so far. This is the largest and most established company I've worked for. With that comes adjustments to approval levels, the luxury of sophisticated systems, etc. My second or third week on the job I was included in the Cowboy kick off game at the Death Star. (aka Jerry World; aka Cowboy Stadium in Arlington) We had VIP parking, suite tickets, and invitations to Miller Lite tailgate party. It. Was. AWESOME!!! I was the only girl in the group, but I held my own. (thanks to my boyfriend explaining football and introducing me to The Ticket)

More pictures:

My 30th birthday is coming up this Sunday. 30. Really? 30 used to seem so old and mature. Everyone makes it out to be such a milestone and a big deal. I've not really made a big productions for my birthday and I'm having a hard time making one out of this.

I will say that my boyfriend has planned a fantastic birthday celebration. I'm not sure which one I'm more excited about - him planning something for me, or what we're actually going to do. Eh, either way, it's going to be glorious!! I'll take pictures!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New job and a hobby picked up and put down just as quick

It has been just a little over a year since I started work at Freeman. I loved my job there - the work was challenging and interesting, I worked with great people (including friends like Stephanie!). Most importantly, I stretched myself as an HR professional and found my "work style." I was good!

However, on Aug. 31 I start a new opportunity that will open many doors personally and professionally. I will be a Human Resources Advisor for Valero Energy. They made an offer I would be foolish to turn down and let me take a week between Freeman and the new gig. (plus I get a company car!)

This week I've been holding mom hostage while she teaches me how to sew a quilt. So much for a relaxing vacation - this stuff is hard! Once it's finished I'll try to remember to post pictures of my first and last quilt. I'm actually pretty impressed that it is turning out so well. Thanks mom!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I paid off my car!

Oh sure, people do it every day. But Friday was my day. After years of paying on The Beast I was able to pay it off 6 months early. Thank you tax return and incredibly cheap living for the last year.

It's just one more move towards my 2009 Goals. I'm making good on the others, and now I'm even more motivated to knock out the little remaining debt I have. Amazing what lifestyle changes, a little change of priorities, and a goal in mind will do for you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Hair Dilemma

As you know, every few months (or weeks) I want to change my hair. This is usually inspired by looking at an old picture or realizing how much I spend in shampoo/conditioner for this massive mop.

My latest plan:
I miss my shorter hair.

Reasons why this is a terrible idea:
1. I can cut shorter, obviously if I change my mind I'm stuck.
2. My hair gets massive with the summer humidity. but really, short or long it's just huge...
3. Shorter also makes me want to go darker....again....after just lightening it. Frick!
4. I also want bangs again. Double frick!!

I really just need to go to someone who is good with hair. With all the gay men in Dallas you'd think I could just shine a scissor spotlight to the sky and they'd come sashaying my way. I attached some old pics of us that will help illustrate what I miss about my hair. Picture the cut with swooping bangs like the last one.

Anyway, I want fabulous hair by St. Patty's Day weekend so I'm on a time crunch. Time to start interviewing the girls for my hair.

Thank you tax return!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Where have I been?

Well, I haven't been on here much, I canceled my My Space account, and have been neglecting my Facebook account. However, I've been making good on all my 2009 Resolutions so far – especially that second one.

Other than that, I just can’t believe it’s March already.

My friend Stephanie posted a great blog about our Lent Contract. Rather than duplicating her genius, I’ll just direct you to her page to fill you in. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 Goals (not resolutions!)

2009 is already of to a great start with lots of changes in MB’s life (all good things), lots of changes for the Knight family (all good-ish things), and that means it’s time for 2009 Goals (not resolutions!). As you know, I don't do resolutions. They don't work and they're typically shallow and short lived. (lose 10lbs, work out, etc.)

Here were my 2008 Goals (not resolutions!):

1. Love my job. Make a change to make it great or find the silver lining.

2. Set aside time to take a continuing education course. Either a language course, an art or cooking class, or something else that I enjoy learning about.

3. Set a good example for my nephew. I have so much to teach him! He may still be in the giggle and drooling stage, but he's going to learn a lot this year.

Let’s recap 2008's goal accomplishments:
1.I found a new job. It turned out to be one of the best moves I’ve made for a number of reasons.
2.I set aside time to take a class: Blueprinting Your Novel. I went to a few classes, but then family crisis kicked in (dad’s quadruple bypass) so I’m checking it off the list only because of the effort to actually sign up and attend 4 out of 9 classes.
3.I made several changes to my life because of my nephew. If he ever asks me about 2008, I feel like I can tell him without a guilty conscience. I didn’t make all the right decisions, I certainly wasn’t perfect, but I made changes to be a better example. I think he’ll be proud….once he stops drooling and learns to talk….whatever.

So for 2009, I’m going to cheat a little. I really liked my goals for the past 2 years, so I’m going to borrow from them and continue.

(drum roll please)

And now for the 2009 Goals (not resolutions!):
1.Continue to be a good role model for Lawson. This guy more than ever needs a support system in his family. I want him to grow up knowing he is loved, that he’s never alone, and that his crazy Aunt Mary Beth is going to be there to hug him when he messes up and whack him over the head when he’s a punk.
2.Let my guard down. No one will ever accuse me of not having a fun life, but I need to let my guard down more and let people in. No more “dead inside MB.” Ugh, just thinking about it makes me nauseous…. :)
3.Have a fiscally responsible year. That’s right shoe industry – this gal is on a budget. Save where it makes sense but splurge when I can. If I make a penny stretch, I can finally take that trip to Italy….maybe for my 30th birthday in October.

So there you have it. It’s going to be another great year!

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 in Review

Let’s recap 2008 - keep up, we're going to go fast:

January: Set out to love my job...that didn't work so I interviewed some places, didn’t fall in love with anything, made the most out of my job, Happy Birthday Casey!

February: A few terrible dating experiences, work got better, traveled for work, life is good, Happy Birthday mom!

March: St. Patty’s Day Mess (good times!), enrolled in Blue Printing Your Novel class, ready to take on the publishing industry.

April: Dad has a heart attack and quadruple bypass, life begins to spin around me but I’m not keeping up, life is put in perspective.

May: Moved in with Alison, love my apartment, dating again, work is so busy I think I answer e-mails in my sleep, serious about the job search and answering the question – is there life outside of Fossil?

June: One of my best friends came out of the closet (good for him!), Florida trip for cousin’s wedding/family reunion

July: Vegas for Stephanie's b-day, made a boy cry (again), dating someone new, I started my new job at Freeman!, my sister and Lawson come for an extended visit…

August: Lawson is walking, Knight family life in slow motion

September: Happy 1st Birthday Lawson!, Chicago visit for work, catch up with old friends in Chicago

October: Happy Birthday to me and dad!, I realize for once and for all that I can’t hang with the party/club scene, Casey and Lawson move back to VA

November: Happy Thanksgiving!, I voted

December: Casey and Lawson officially move back to Texas, Christmas with loved ones, Happy 37th Anniversay mom and dad!

Phew, that was fast but 2008 was a good year!