Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today I voted...and I have the sticker to prove it

I'm one of the voters the news warns about. I didn't know for certain who I wanted to vote for until the night before. I was sick of the whole mess. Media coverage, campaigning for funds, scandals, name calling, etc.

How to choose? Flip a coin? Throw a piece of red gum and blue gum against a wall and see which one sticks?

No, like a good American, I did my research on the issues that were important to me. I'd say the War in Iraq is an issue for me, but was surprisingly not something that tipped the scales. I focused on the issues that I could wrap my head around - immigration, gun control, taxes, economic stimulus, the environment, etc.

Polling opens at 7am (and I'm insane) so I decided to get there at 6:30 to beat the crowds. Boy was I ever glad I did! As I walked up to the line of about 12 that had already formed, I had 5-10 people on my heels. By 7am, the line was wrapped around the building. Yet once inside, they were so organized it took 15 minutes. Amazing! Just 45 minutes total to cast my vote in this big mess.

So all in all, I feel good about my choice. I feel even better that I exercised my right to vote...

...and got a sticker on the way out. That's really what it's all about.

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