Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Love like the movies

There are a lot of things in life that give me a warm fuzzy feeling. Lazy, rainy days, watching a sappy movie in bed is one of my all time favorites. There’s nothing like the rain on the window, my freakishly chilly apartment, piles of pillows and covers, while watching someone else live out a great love story.

You know the type of movie I’m talking about. When they spot each other from across the room, instantly fall in love, music plays, and the scene closes on a classic lip lock.

Surely I’m not the only woman who has been looking for a romance like the movies. Where reason melts away with a kiss and he whisks her off to a perfect life together.

What the movies never show you are the moments after the big kiss.


I’ve discovered I have an unrealistic image of true love. That’s right folks…hard to believe that someone so in tune with her emotions (ha!) may not quite know how to fall in love…and stay there.

The great romantic movies don’t dare ruin the film by showing the first fight, the awkward transition from single life to coupledom/marriage, lost friends along the way, and the first time she comes home from a shopping spree.

And that is exactly why I love those movies! Carefree, easy, lighthearted, and effortless.

But I have to remember that great REAL loves like my parents didn’t get to 35+ years of marriage by a single big kiss. They make it look easy, but have been working on an epic movie that has had its twists and turns, heartaches and heart attacks, laughs and tears, deaths and new life.

As I am beginning a love story of my own, I hope I can take queues from my parents.