Monday, August 11, 2008

When did I become “technologically challenged?”

In some respects I am my mother’s daughter. I’m creative, get easily distracted by shiny things, get annoyed with convoluted instructions, and think that anything in the color red goes faster (cars, shoes, etc).

In other areas, I am my father’s daughter. I like electronics, I’m a natural with computers, I have wires strewn throughout my room connecting one electronic device to the next, and I like new and shiny toys.

So imagine my surprise when I bought a shiny new toy (Blackberry Pearl) and had absolutely no interest in trying to set it up. I guess I attribute some of the lack of interest to the time of purchase - I had just moved, I lost my other phone so I was annoyed I had to buy this one to begin with, dad was recovering from surgery, my life was chaotic in general and setting up a phone was the last thing I had on my mind. But I also attribute it to my boyfriend-at-the-time’s phone envy. He had the older model and tech savvy, so took special interest in setting my newer phone up. I didn’t touch it. I think I made 2 decisions – which was perfect. If it had been left up to me the phone would still be in the box and I would be using an old loaner. But now I barely know how to use it…and I don’t have any real interest in figuring it out. So unlike me!

I received an AT&T Blackjack from my new company. I got to pick the color so it’s shiny and red (so it goes faster) …but I have no idea how to use it. I received it midday at work so I’ve been trying to discretely tutor myself on the simple things like “volume.” I failed miserably – I pushed something and it rang at the highest volume with the most obnoxious ring. Awesome. Also, it has a full keypad which makes my head hurt after just getting used to the Pearl’s partial key pad. My test message to my dad took me about 5 minutes to type…and it just said “test.”

Oh sure, 5th graders nowadays know how to put together and take apart a computer. But I at least refuse to become one of those women who can’t figure out appliances and basic electronics. I won’t be a statistic!

So my homework this evening is to study my Blackjack User Manual and Online Tutorial. Should I be concerned it also comes with a Heath and Safety Information pamphlet? Is that for others when I get frustrated and launch my phone across the room?

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