Thursday, July 31, 2008

Outsourcing Romance

I’ve been a supporter for online dating services for many years now. As a busy single, I want to meet Mr. Right, but when? Interoffice dating is out, and since most of my time is spent at work online dating often seems like a great alternative to bar hopping on the weekends. (nothing says love like shots of tequila and a cab ride to his/her place) I’ve met some great guys and though it hasn’t worked out, I’d recommend it for anyone just trying to get out there.

Though I don’t have an interest in getting back online anytime soon, I had to pause when a friend suggested I check this out – It’s Just Lunch. Curious, I went to their website:

“Welcome to It's Just Lunch Dallas, we are a specialized dating service for busy professionals….Our first date experts minimize stress and maximize efficiency by working with your busy schedule to coordinate Lunch, Brunch or Drinks after work as a fun way to meet some of the incredible single professionals living in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Plus we do all the work! We will tell you about your match, coordinate your schedules and make your reservations at a restaurant in Dallas/Ft. Worth that is convenient for both of you. With one phone call and a confidential face-to-face interview in our office, you're on your way to a fun, exciting and productive way to meet quality matches. All you have to do is relax and have FUN!!”

Just because I’m online doesn’t mean I have lost the appreciation for romance, personal connection, and chemistry. Sure I joke with friends and future ex-boyfriends that I’m dead inside, void of all human emotion, etc. And that is mostly true for people I’m not close to, it’s not true for friends and family.

I’d like to think those closest to me know that I get giggly about meeting a new guy, first date jitters, the first kiss, etc. But part of that giggliness is the anticipation after all the work trying to find this new guy. Isn’t part of the pay off of meeting your partner the victory after the hunt? To outsource the screening process seems so disconnected. Where are all the stories? I have countless stories to share with friends about bad dates, online matches that are terrible, creepy guys at bars, and other failed attempts at meeting Mr. Right.

Companies hire third party recruiters to find people for jobs they can’t fill – “Web Designer - Open since April.”

Isn’t it weird to hire a recruiter to fill the latest opening – “MB’s boyfriend - Vacant since July.”

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mid-week check in

Monday was the big first day at Freeman. I spent most of Sunday afternoon through the evening preparing. Laundry, reading my new employee handbook, completing new hire paperwork, etc. I even planned out my outfit so I could just get up, get fabulous, and go to work on time.

Here's what really happened:

I woke up on time - good start so far. I spent about 5 minutes in the shower trying to decide whether to shave my legs or wait until tomorrow. Since my fabulous outfit was a pair of slacks, I finally decided to wait. Finish hair, suck down coffee, put on outfit....I hate it. Then I begin scrambling through my jam packed closet, screaming to no one in particular "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!" I decide on a skirt, which means I hop in the shower (fully dressed sans shoes) for a quick shave. 6 or 7 shaving accidents later, I run out the door (late) extra coffee in hand.

I slid into the office and was greeting at the reception desk with my perky recruiter Charlee who announce we were going downstairs for breakfast and Starbucks. I knew it was going to be a good day when they greet me with food and coffee.

When I got to my desk, I had several things waiting for me - a brand new laptop, travel case, travel mouse, travel battery pack, travel coffee mug, welcome sign, cube name tag, reading materials, training binder, fancy ink pen, supplies, etc. Charlee and my new boss fell over themselves that my monitor, cell phone, business cards weren't ready. "But here's the Office Depot catalog, order anything you want. Need a new chair?"

Seriously?? Coming from a company where even your own cube was a hot commodity, I was amazed so much was set up for me before I even got there. My massive flat screen monitor to go with my laptop came by noon and my new phone (that I got to pick the face color) should be in tomorrow.

Over the next few days I have been wow'd by my new company. They have invested so much time and resources in my first week of training that I'm incentivized to bust my hump for them. Not to say that my previous company did a poor job, it's a little eye opening.

I spent so much time and money as a recruiter trying to find the perfect person to work for us, and when I found them I dumped them on their manager and went on the hunt again for the next open spot. go, go, go. But chances are their manager didn't have time to give them a proper welcome either. Resources weren't ready on time, business cards are ready 6 months later, they still haven't been paid for expenses while interviewing 3 months ago, and can I get a pen around here?!, etc. Broken processes we never perfected...and in the 5 years I was there, I was a part of the problem. Ouch.

It's so nice to see a company that recognizes the first impression a new employee has will likely last their career. My first week so far has been should be a good career.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Catching up

Sorry, it's been ages since my last post. Here are the highlights in MB's life. Stay with me - we're going to go fast.

1. Back in May we participated in the Race for the Cure. We had a wonderful time, girl power, bonding fun, and touching moments. It was amazing to see so many survivors!

2. On Arbor Day, Stephanie and I got some friends together to participate in this event called Adventure Racing. It included a canoe race, obstacle course, planting a tree, a word find, and a 1 mile run. For those of you who know me well, I don’t run unless I’m running from something. It was definitely a challenge but lots of fun!

3. In May my family and I made a trip to Florida for my cousin’s wedding. It was so great to see everyone, catch up with cousins, squeeze Lawson (who decided he didn’t like anyone besides mommy), and get some sun on the beach.

4. In June I made a trip up to Canada for work. I was recruiting for 2 new Fossil stores we’re opening in that market. Since we don’t have a presence in Canada, it was a little challenging, but exciting nonetheless. I have now been to Alberta and B.C.

5. Right about the time my dad went into the hospital I had started dating a boy named Aaron. In July we went to Mexico with 20 of his closest friends....we broke up the day we got back.

So as my theme song goes, “Another one bites the dust…”

6. For the past two years, we’ve celebrated Stephanie’s birthday with a trip. Last year it was Mexico, this year it was VEGAS! A handful of friends made a weekend trip to Vegas for a long weekend of debauchery.

7. And now for the biggest news of all….(DRUM ROLL)…after 5+ long years, I quit Fossil. That’s right ladies and gents, no more Christmas and b-day presents filled with watches and handbags. On Monday, July 28 I start with a company called Freeman as an HR Generalist. I’m so excited!! The best part is that they actually believe in a work/life balance, I’ll have more time for my blog, my friends, hobbies, etc. No more 70+ hour work weeks! Hooray!

So my commitment to my readers (mostly Stephanie so she has something to do during the day), is to write more on here.

I'm back!