Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Ode to stupid people

In college, my friends and I used to send each other stupid people citings. It's been a while, but I have one to share.

Today was the 4th of July. Historically, most cities large and small set off fireworks to celebrate. Often these can be noisy, as they are a colorful explosion. For the past week, people in my apartment complex have been setting them off periodically through the night.

Tonight after the big fireworks display downtown, we all drove back to my apartment. Neighbors were setting them off large and small, but mostly noisy. Carrie bought a set of 4 small sparkly candle type things. We set off one, and then congratulated ourselves for not singeing our eyebrows. 2 minutes later, a pink furry blob of a pissed off woman came storming out of the building across the way. Standing in her pink robe, she demanded to know if we were setting fireworks off right here. She huffed and puffed, and in the bitchiest way possible told us we were setting them off right outside her window and to keep it down cause she had to work at 5am. We apologized as we were not trying to be rude.


First, I'd like to point out that she also had a small lackey. He was a bit taller, but much thinner than her.....and hid behind her the entire time. For his sake, I really hope he was just a neighbor helping out. Poor kid.

Secondly, as she's bitching us out for our sparkly (noiseless) candle, fireworks the volume of cannons were going off in the background. It was really hard to not laugh.

So here's a tribute to those who have to work at 5am in the morning, those who have to sleep next to a pink furry blob, and for those who weren't able to celebrate the 4th with fireworks and friends.

We had good times! Happy 4th!

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