Saturday, October 22, 2005

I almost died

So my tires have been making funny noises when I turn for a few months now. But they looked fine and I'm either too busy or broke to have them checked.

This weekend I was driving from Cincinnati to Lexington, VA in the pouring rain. I was listening to my favorite Maroon 5 song (sex in the coffee song) when I started to hydroplane out of control.

I spun 180 degrees off the road, across the grassy median, and finally stopped about a foot away from an oncoming semi. By the grace of God, I didn't roll, I didn't spin into traffic, and there weren't any cars in the direction I was driving. It was still raining pretty heavy so my car almost got stuck in the muddy/grassy median, but I was able to creep out to the nearest gas station to check for damage.

Needless to say, I'm getting new tires before I leave VA and will not be driving in rain ever again.

(I took a pic of my tire marks with my camera phone. I'll upload soon.)

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