Saturday, June 25, 2005

My favorite things

So on my way home from HB, I stopped off at Concordia University in Irvine. There's a great place with a beautiful view to have your own thoughts in silence. I started thinking about the things I love about life. Here are a few--


the smell of fresh cut grass

gerber daisies

long hot showers

someone playing with my hair

cleaning my apartment

finishing a book

teaching myself something new

sleeping in and not feeling guilty


lab puppies with their floppy ears and big paws

hugs from my dad

laughing until I cry

two stepping

talking to friends back home

drinking Shiner Bock with my sis

flying a kite

getting more paint on me than on the canvas

listening to jazz and drinking wine in the candlelight

making someone smile

cooking for friends/family

the sound of the ocean

the smell of evergreens

taking a new way home

What are your favorite things?

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