Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Keeping America working

Since I moved here (about a month ago) the parking garage at work has been under construction. I haven't noticed any real changes to the structure, parking spots available, or aesthetics. About 2 weeks ago, I did start to notice that everyday when I get to work about 7 guys are drilling a line of perfectly spaced holes into the wall. Then when I leave, I've noticed about 7 guys following behind them filling the holes.

I certainly didn't major in environmental design or architecture, but I can't figure out what the purpose is for drilling the flippin holes. Does a structure like that need to aerate? Is it to let the God awful stench of the alley seep into more spaces? It's not at the base so it doesn't seem like it's helping with cracked foundation...

I'm convinced that it's sole purpose it to keep people in jobs. How do you apply for that?

"Needed: Guy to drill holes. Pay extra if can fill too."

God Bless America

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