Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why the world needs moms

I had a perfect weekend, but on my flight home this weekend I ran into just about every traveling annoyance.

Annoyance 1: The cab driver was chatty and wreaked of smoke.

Annoyance 2: I checked in the night before, but was still in Group 5.

Annoyance 3: It seems everyone on my flight had trouble remembering they could only bring 2 carryons and they couldn't be the size of a small car. It took ages to board the plane while people tried to squeeze their super sized luggage in the overhead.

Annoyance 4: I was in a middle seat. When I booked the flight, that was the only seat available.

Annoyance 5: Apparently everyone also forgot that on flights, you need to turn off all electrical devices. No joke - it took 7 overhead speaker reminders, 3 walk bys by attendants, and I still heard a phone go off when we were on the runway.

Annoyance 6: I sat in the row in front of two kids under 8 and their teenage chaperon. The kids were in the wrong seats so someone had to give up their seat so the darlings could sit together.

Annoyance 7: The kids crunched on chips, the teenager listened to music on her cell phone speaker, the kids horsed around, farted, kicked our seats, and bounced on the tray tables.

My hero: The woman that sat next to me had enough. She first called the flight attendant and announced that she should inform the teenager to tell the children to stop kick our seats.

Some silence.....then another kick.

My hero whipped around and told the kids in a voice that made me sit up straight, "Please stop kicking my chair." It was perfect. She was polite, her tone was stern, and I'm fairly certain the kids didn't move the rest of the flight. (I know I didn't) It was glorious!!

This is exactly why the world needs moms. Moms to tell unruly kids to behave and tell adults to grow up.

Happy early Mother's Day! Thank you 14F and all the moms that never stop raising their own kids and the rest of us!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Playing catch up

So, what's been happening for the last couple of months? Here goes

1. For our company Christmas party, I won an exec's Mavs tickets. 4 great seats to a game against Houston, so I took my family. Mom had never been to a Mavs game, Dad and Casey hadn't been to one at the AA Center, and I hadn't been over there since Boot Camp days.

I have been going to so many football games, I had forgotten how much I like basketball games! Good music, fun crowd, and we won!!!

2. Tommy and I wandered around Annapolis one weekend. It was cold and very windy, but a cute town! We had lunch in a building that had to be 100 years old, wandered around cute little shops, drove by the Navy campus and stadium, then took a driving tour of some of the neighborhoods. We will definitely be back (when the weather is a little warmer) to walk around some more.

3. Lawson and I have been hanging out lately. He's turned into my little buddy...and I've turned into a headrest.

Now that it's getting warmer, Auntie Beth bought him a grill so he can be just like Grandpa.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ask and you shall receive...

This week's temperatures and events:

Tuesday - High 19 / Low 12, sleet, snow, ice, media says it's the end of the world, work from home

Wednesday - High 18 / Low 9, ice hasn't gone anywhere, work from home, cabin fever begins

Thursday - High 20 / Low 14, roads are a little better, still lots of ice, reluctantly working from home, is the room actually getting smaller??

Weather forecast for Friday - High 25 / Low 18....and snowing.

Proof God is listening and laughing.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Winter in Texas

One of the branches I support is in Detroit. The office manager asked me if people can lay out year round in Texas. (Apparently someone from the Dallas branch visited and was very tan.) I stifled a laugh and had to explain that people in Dallas like their tanning beds and spray tans.

Ok, I know winter in Texas isn't REALLY winter compared to Detroit or DC. We start the day in the 30's and warm up to 55-60 degrees. Yesterday I saw a guy driving with the top down. Really? At least pretend it's a proper winter!! People are starting to talk...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Every year I typically put together a list of new year's goals (not resolutions). Since I made a big goal this summer to accomplish 30 things in 12 months, I thought I would do a mid-point check in instead.

30 things in 12 months

1. Talk to a teacher about Teaching Certification & Prep completed 7/14/10
2. Organize and print digital photos completed 1/2/11
3. Organize photo prints
4. Pay off $7000 on my car
5. Take a 5 day vacation!! completed Thanksgiving and Christmas 2010
6. Go to a batting cage completed 4/30/11
7. Run an entire 5K (no walking!) completed 5/7/11..sort of. I ran almost the entire thing and walked just a little to avoid CPR
8. Sew Christmas Tree skirt completed 11/18/11
9. Keep a plant alive for 1 year completed 6/18/11
10. Go to a driving range completed 7/20/10
11. Cook a holiday meal on my own completed 12/5/10
12. Toss the football with Tommy completed 4/30/11
13. Go to a firing range
14. Take a spontaneous weekend trip with no plans completed 7/23-25 & 9/10-13
15. Read a Christian book completed 11/25/10
16. Read a faith based book completed 1/22/11
17. Plant a tree
18. Visit one of the 10 states I’ve never visited
19. Make a bowl with dad completed 5/30/11
20. Go to a concert completed 9/4/10
21. Write a short story
22. Take a cooking class completed 4/16/11
23. Design and order personalized stationary
24. Go to a museum completed 7/16/10
25. Join an Adult Bible Group
26. Try Vietnamese food completed 9/15/10
27. Donate blood 3 times donated 6/30/10 & 11/2/10 & ....
28. Fix my bike completed 4/5/11
29. Take Lawson to a park
30. Go fishing