Saturday, December 6, 2008

Excuse me? I don’t have kids, but I’d like to contribute to the conversation…

I’m discovering that most people my age have kids, are pregnant/trying to get pregnant, or want kids but lack a partner. I know very few people (besides Stephanie) that just don’t want kids right now, period.

Good for them! I hope I can have kids some day so I can regale coworkers and friends with their latest antics. Until then, I try my best to interject knowingly into conversations using examples of my nephew, “Oh yeah, when they’re teething they run fever and drool a lot.”

But what bothered me the most this week was a conversation with a few of my “married with children” friends. They were making their usual Oh-it’s-different-when-you’re-a-mom comments. Then someone must have noticed the glazed look I had over my eyes (or perhaps it was the heavy sigh of annoyance) and asked me how many kids I wanted.

All eyes turned to me. This was my moment. I was actually invited to the conversation!

I confidently answered, “If God blesses me with one, I’ll be happy. But I’d really like a big family so at least 2, maybe even 4 kids.” The table erupted with laughter.

Each mom between fits of laughter answered, “Oh, wait until you have your first.” “Yeah, I wanted 2 until I had (insert kid’s name here).” “That’s cute. Just wait. ONE is a lot of work.”

I had had enough. Crazy eyes and arms flailing, the real big ball of crazy MB came out. “REALLY? Really? Kids are work? Oh, God, thanks! I had no idea! I thought you just got to wear cute maternity clothes and then the nanny fairies came out to take care of the baby’s sleepless nights, dirty diapers, teething, temper tantrums, bad days at school, wrecking the car, and rebellious stages. I’m just in it for someone to take care of me when I get old. Thank God you warned me.”

(Ahem. Whoops. Reel it in MB….reel it in….)

But seriously, I’m sick of the exclusive conversations that I’m subjected to listen to but not allowed take part. Don’t invite me to lunch, strike up a conversation with me, or ask for my thoughts if you’re just going to judge me for my life choices.

No one said having kids was easy. It’s hard work. It’s why I don’t have any yet. I don’t judge you for wearing your kids like a big cross that you had to bear. So don’t judge me for not having any yet, but don’t judge me for wanting them someday.


Unknown said...

kids are hard work thats why i like to baby sit my niece and nephew for a couple hours and then return them.

Gared said...

Thank you MB, that was entertaining and very true.