Thursday, March 23, 2006

Was '98 really that long ago?

I got a bulletin from a HS classmate tonight. Reminding us to sign up to recieve updates about our upcoming 10 year reunion. I just about fell out of my chair.

10 years? Really?

Then I got to thinking about what I've done since graduation (in 98 thank you). I've been to 4 colleges, visited 20 states, moved to 2 new states, made new friends, kept in touch with...well...not really anyone anymore,

have seen several friends/ex's get married, had my heart broken, fallen in love, had the stupid heart broken again...and again...

.. had short hair, had long hair, then short again, dyed it blond, then red, brown, blond, brown,...well, you get the idea....

read countless books, wasted countless hours in front of the TV,

lost myself, then found myself only stronger,

And then I realized that I'm in a good place to start planning for a reunion. Sure I'll see the same people who were always hoping I failed...but I can take it for what it is. Touching base with the people who helped mold me into who I am or who I wanted to be.

In a way I'm still the innocent HS kid with wide eyes and an open heart....just smarter.

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Weekend with Nita/Tuesdays with Morrie

This weekend I flew to FL to spend time with my favorite aunt. This summer we discovered that she has cancer again, and this time it's terminal. I had such a great time with her! But it's hard to have a weekend like this without wondering when or if we'll have another one. If she hadn't lost her hair from the treatments, you'd never guess she were sick. But cancer is a mysterious thing, so we don't really know how long she's going to be with us. Needless to say we're soaking up as many memories as possible.

I left my book on the plane to FL, so I picked up Tuesdays with Morrie to read on the way home. I really wish I would have read it before this trip. It was such an interesting commentary on life, death, emotions, and inspiration.

In the book the author asked some bold questions to a dying mentor, but came away with amazing information. It makes me wish I had not been afraid to confront Nita's inevitable death with more questions about who she is so that I can carry her legacy. I can only pray for more days to ask and learn.

I think we all have someone we know (young or old) who has lived an amazing life. Rather than being wrapped in ourselves, we should take advantage of our time together. After all, when we die, all that remains are our relationships and legacy.