Thursday, July 24, 2008

Catching up

Sorry, it's been ages since my last post. Here are the highlights in MB's life. Stay with me - we're going to go fast.

1. Back in May we participated in the Race for the Cure. We had a wonderful time, girl power, bonding fun, and touching moments. It was amazing to see so many survivors!

2. On Arbor Day, Stephanie and I got some friends together to participate in this event called Adventure Racing. It included a canoe race, obstacle course, planting a tree, a word find, and a 1 mile run. For those of you who know me well, I don’t run unless I’m running from something. It was definitely a challenge but lots of fun!

3. In May my family and I made a trip to Florida for my cousin’s wedding. It was so great to see everyone, catch up with cousins, squeeze Lawson (who decided he didn’t like anyone besides mommy), and get some sun on the beach.

4. In June I made a trip up to Canada for work. I was recruiting for 2 new Fossil stores we’re opening in that market. Since we don’t have a presence in Canada, it was a little challenging, but exciting nonetheless. I have now been to Alberta and B.C.

5. Right about the time my dad went into the hospital I had started dating a boy named Aaron. In July we went to Mexico with 20 of his closest friends....we broke up the day we got back.

So as my theme song goes, “Another one bites the dust…”

6. For the past two years, we’ve celebrated Stephanie’s birthday with a trip. Last year it was Mexico, this year it was VEGAS! A handful of friends made a weekend trip to Vegas for a long weekend of debauchery.

7. And now for the biggest news of all….(DRUM ROLL)…after 5+ long years, I quit Fossil. That’s right ladies and gents, no more Christmas and b-day presents filled with watches and handbags. On Monday, July 28 I start with a company called Freeman as an HR Generalist. I’m so excited!! The best part is that they actually believe in a work/life balance, I’ll have more time for my blog, my friends, hobbies, etc. No more 70+ hour work weeks! Hooray!

So my commitment to my readers (mostly Stephanie so she has something to do during the day), is to write more on here.

I'm back!

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