Monday, December 24, 2007

Anyone know how to fly this thing?

I've never really traveled for the holidays, and certainly not by myself. So when my folks decided to drive to my sister's house last week, I was pretty nervous about airport conditions. I left for Kansas Sunday morning - 3 days before Christmas.

But I was flying out of Lovefield, the smaller Dallas airport, so I figured I was in for a fairly easy holiday flight. Lovefield mostly flies out Southwest Airlines. I'm flying American - makes it easier to get through check in when you're the only person in line. Sweet!

Once I get through security (maybe 10 minutes later) I begin my trek across the airport, past civilization, past any signs of life, and make my way to the AA terminal...and all 3 of their gates.

After a brisk 1.3 mile walk, I'm at my gate. I have my book, we're scheduled to take off in an hour, I can entertain myself until then.

Wait, our flight is delayed? Yes, the plane was there, but the crew didn't want to take us back to Kansas. Union work must be where it's at. To be able to just toss the keys to the gate attendant and announce, "I'm out!" without getting fired...Nice.

So we were delayed another hour. problem. This puts me in to KS around 1pm. I haven't missed much, but the family is gathered waiting on me.

An hour later, the crew who "has agreed to take us" to Kansas arrives and we quickly board. I get settled, I get my book back out, and text my dad - See you soon!

I'm in seat 1A so I'm pretty much in the pilot's lap and can hear everything. Don't ever sit in 1A - you don't want to know.

We were delayed AGAIN once we got on board. Why? Because they can't find the User's Manual. Excuse me...what?

Yes, they've lost the User's Manual and they've sent the maintenance guy to find it or apparently round up a "Flying for Dummies," "So you think you can fly?," or some Cliff Notes version of the manual.

On the various flights I've been on in my life, there's been a few where I've assumed someone was "In Training." But how often to pilots really need to access this manual? Should I be concerned even if they find the manual? What if it's missing a page like Landing 101?

After about an hour of searching, we either gave up or found a suitable solution. Brilliant. I said a few prayers, closed my eyes, and hoped for the best.

Luckily we made it to Kansas, but I'm seriously considering giving up flying for a while.

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