Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bye Bye Bye!

I'm 28. I don't know how that happened, but ok, whatever, I'm 28.

So as I'm letting that set in, I've been reminding myself…I'm an adult, I'm an adult….

It's bad enough being caught singing loud and off key with the windows down. But make sure you have good music on. Not N'Sync: No Strings Attached. Yes. Yes. I dug up the CD circa sophmore year when I "totally LOVED" Justin. I've been singing to that every day to work. Who is judging??!

I still watch the Disney Channel and discovered Hillary Duff back when she was part cartoon, and Shia LaBeouf before he was starring with Will Smith, Tom Cruise, and Transformers.

I still buy books based on their cover, buy wine based on how pretty their label/bottle is, and cook or order food that has a picture so I know what it's supposed to look like.

Apparently I still need my mother to remind me to wear a jacket, flip flops are not appropriate footwear in the winter, and "is that what you're wearing?"

I squeal like an idiot when I see a spider. Doesn't matter how big – I cry like a baby.

I still like meeting my girlfriends at the mall if we don't have anything to do ( just for funzies)...or when we get paid to buy stuff we hide from our parents.

I love playing with make up even though I'd rather only wear mascara and chapstick everyday. But show me the cheap make up section at Target, and I'll fill a cart full with colors that are fun but all wrong for me- sparkly and pre-teenish - that will end up in a drawer until I move again.

So I'm embracing my 28 going on 16 stage in my life. I'm smart, I'm successful, I have fantastic friends. Who cares about the quirks that still make me a kid?

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