Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just call me Martha Friggin Stewart

My sister is coming to town at the end of the month. We're going to take advantage of the visit to host a baby shower in her honor.

Most sane people who work too many hours during the week and spend most of the weekend in a state of...well..."weekendness" would obviously go to the store and buy invitations.

That is the sane person.

Mary Beth, as you know, is not one of those people. Mary Beth decided to channel her inner Martha Stewart and make each individual invitiation by hand. That's right. Down to the bow, the writing, and the details. I definitely spent at least 5 times what a simple package of invitations would have cost.

But it's my sister's first baby so therefore everything will be overboard and we're excited to do it!

(Let it be known that kid 2 and 3 will get the generic package of invites for $1.99.)


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