Sunday, June 26, 2005

I love being white trash

So I swear my landlady must think I'm a poor country bumpkin from Texas who would leave my trailer parked in the street if I could find a spot. Without fail every time she comes to check out the place, I'm in boxers and a t-shirt, no make up, hair a mess. She's an older lady too--not the cool grandma who bakes you cookies and pot pie. She's the LA grandma who gets Botox, tans, and tells you to stand up straight and why are you wearing your hair like that? The first time I met her she forgave me for not wearing shoes to the door. How sweet.

Today she came by and of course headed straight for our apt, not the other 6 in the building. So after an inspiring weekend, I've been painting since I got home from church this morning. I greet her in a wife beater, old football shorts, hair in a messy ponytail, paint all over me.

All that was missing was a toothless grin and a beer in hand. Luckily I had country music playing(Pat Green to be exact).

I wonder when I'll get that eviction notice....

Saturday, June 25, 2005

My favorite things

So on my way home from HB, I stopped off at Concordia University in Irvine. There's a great place with a beautiful view to have your own thoughts in silence. I started thinking about the things I love about life. Here are a few--


the smell of fresh cut grass

gerber daisies

long hot showers

someone playing with my hair

cleaning my apartment

finishing a book

teaching myself something new

sleeping in and not feeling guilty


lab puppies with their floppy ears and big paws

hugs from my dad

laughing until I cry

two stepping

talking to friends back home

drinking Shiner Bock with my sis

flying a kite

getting more paint on me than on the canvas

listening to jazz and drinking wine in the candlelight

making someone smile

cooking for friends/family

the sound of the ocean

the smell of evergreens

taking a new way home

What are your favorite things?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Keeping America working

Since I moved here (about a month ago) the parking garage at work has been under construction. I haven't noticed any real changes to the structure, parking spots available, or aesthetics. About 2 weeks ago, I did start to notice that everyday when I get to work about 7 guys are drilling a line of perfectly spaced holes into the wall. Then when I leave, I've noticed about 7 guys following behind them filling the holes.

I certainly didn't major in environmental design or architecture, but I can't figure out what the purpose is for drilling the flippin holes. Does a structure like that need to aerate? Is it to let the God awful stench of the alley seep into more spaces? It's not at the base so it doesn't seem like it's helping with cracked foundation...

I'm convinced that it's sole purpose it to keep people in jobs. How do you apply for that?

"Needed: Guy to drill holes. Pay extra if can fill too."

God Bless America

Thursday, June 9, 2005

I accept this as a token of membership...

Today I have been accepted to the club known as City of LA Parking Violators Anonymous. Apparently it's not an exclusive club; in fact most of LA is in it and I'll likely be re-"invited" many times in the near future. Hopefully each time will be as special.

I'd like to thank Officer McPherson for guarding my car with such vigilance to write me a $65 ticket for 3 min over my meter. I'd also like to thank the lovely ladies at the Parking Violators Bureau. Their absolute distaste for their job and people in general makes paying the fees even more sweet.

God Bless this city and its lack of parking, and over abundance of parking nazis.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Embarrassing Friends

So like most people, I'm using myspace to connect with old friends back home and make new friends here.

You can control who you add with new friends. If they have a ridiculous or offensive pic, you can point, laugh, and deny their request. But old friends you feel obligated to add. But shouldn't you be able to edit old friends' pictures before you add them and proclaim them as a friend?

I mean honestly. If I'm not going to tell someone they really shouldn't try out their sexiest pose by the pool....complete with pale skin and a beer gut....who is? If I'm obligated to add them, aren't I also obligated to tell them they're a jackass? I'd hope someone would tell's only fair.