Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why the world needs moms

I had a perfect weekend, but on my flight home this weekend I ran into just about every traveling annoyance.

Annoyance 1: The cab driver was chatty and wreaked of smoke.

Annoyance 2: I checked in the night before, but was still in Group 5.

Annoyance 3: It seems everyone on my flight had trouble remembering they could only bring 2 carryons and they couldn't be the size of a small car. It took ages to board the plane while people tried to squeeze their super sized luggage in the overhead.

Annoyance 4: I was in a middle seat. When I booked the flight, that was the only seat available.

Annoyance 5: Apparently everyone also forgot that on flights, you need to turn off all electrical devices. No joke - it took 7 overhead speaker reminders, 3 walk bys by attendants, and I still heard a phone go off when we were on the runway.

Annoyance 6: I sat in the row in front of two kids under 8 and their teenage chaperon. The kids were in the wrong seats so someone had to give up their seat so the darlings could sit together.

Annoyance 7: The kids crunched on chips, the teenager listened to music on her cell phone speaker, the kids horsed around, farted, kicked our seats, and bounced on the tray tables.

My hero: The woman that sat next to me had enough. She first called the flight attendant and announced that she should inform the teenager to tell the children to stop kick our seats.

Some silence.....then another kick.

My hero whipped around and told the kids in a voice that made me sit up straight, "Please stop kicking my chair." It was perfect. She was polite, her tone was stern, and I'm fairly certain the kids didn't move the rest of the flight. (I know I didn't) It was glorious!!

This is exactly why the world needs moms. Moms to tell unruly kids to behave and tell adults to grow up.

Happy early Mother's Day! Thank you 14F and all the moms that never stop raising their own kids and the rest of us!