Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bubbles 2.0

This week I have joined the majority of the population and bought a laptop! I'm not really sure why I haven't bought one in the past, other than a desktop was what I always had. But over the last couple years I've been trying to downsize and simplify my life. That includes eliminating wires and peripheral computer junk.

I tend to tell people I'm computer literate and have a natural tendency to be a "computer person." Truth is, I can figure out just about any computer program and minor issues, but I have no idea what any of it actually means. So my poor dad was volunteered as the family techie to help me narrow down what I needed. He helped me with technical questions like - What's a reasonable amount of memory? What processing speed to I really need? Dell or HP?

So thanks to dad's expert assistance navigating websites and 5 trips to the store, I have Bubbles 2.0.

If you couldn't guess by the computer having a name, my mom helped in a big way too! She helped sort through the other important things like - What color should my computer be? Are the speakers loud enough for music and Netflix? And because my mom names everything, she provided the nickname for my laptop! (The shell is slick black with silver circles.)

Bubbles is Bubbles 2.0 because the original Bubbles suffered from CUSBOE Syndrome. (Compulsive USB Over Eating Syndrome) She ate dad's wireless mouse signal so dad exchanged her. Bubbles 2.0 has been behaving and running like a dream!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pink Martini & DSO

If you've never heard of the group Pink Martini you must take a listen. They are eclectic group out of Portland that fancies themselves a little orchestra.

And that they are!

Casey and I went to their concert with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra on Saturday night. For the first half of the concert, the DSO played some quirky favorites to get the audience in the mood for Pink Martini.

For as much as I enjoy traditional music that the symphony has to offer, the Pink Martini breathed life into a half full Meyerson. Their music was lively and funny one song, 1940's Samba lounge the next, followed by a sultry ballad in French. Yes French. They sang in English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Turkish, and probably a few others. It was simply amazing.

To top it off, the DSO called before the show to upgrade our tickets. I bought tickets for the cheap seats in the nosebleed section because there's really not a bad seat in the house at the Meyerson. But since the show was barely half sold, they upgraded our seats for free so we could sit with everyone else. Our seats ended up here:

Not bad at all! I could see facial expressions clearly! The only downside to our seats was that we didn't get to join in on the conga line on the last song!! It was such a great show!